
M.A.N at Klubben

More pictures ...

M.A.N did a rellay great gig at Klubben, Stockholm in the beginning of April this year together with Fear Factory & Misery Index. Afterwards there was a party at Pub Anchor where M.A.N. did an extra gig.


Clawfinger at Debaser

Clawfinger did a gig at Debaser in Stockholm the 15:th of May. I got the opportunity to bring my camera. Despite the bad lighting there are some nice photos worth spending some time browsing through.
Browse the images here.
Thanx to Clawfinger and Keetch.


Snake's head fritillary

Snake's head fritillary (Kungsängslilja, Fritillaria meleagris L.) at Sandemar, Sweden.
Sandemar has a large population of Snake's head fritillary amongst other beutiful flowers.
Picture taken the 27:th of May 2006

Low flying ...

A swan flying low over the Alvar at the island of Öland after a successful liftof. Picture taken the 16:th of april 2006

Roe deer at Åva

Met a roe deer an early morning in April at Åva in the south of Stockholm.

What to put as a first post.

This is a little bit tricky.
My intenton is to publish photos when I have some to show.